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Yali Capkini Who will go to the psychiatrist Ferit or Seyran?

Yali Capkini Who will go to the psychiatrist Ferit or Seyran?
Yali Capkini Who will go to the psychiatrist Ferit or Seyran?

Who will go to the psychiatrist Ferit or Seyran?

Fuat’s🔁accident Kazim’s injury
Suna & Ferit 🔁Ferit & Halis, ➡️boundless trust
✅ Halis was one of the most important reasons Fuat’s death
📌 I blame Suna for Fuat’s death
✅ Ferit was the main reason for saving Kazim.
📌 Ferit was blamed for Kazim injury

Seyran’s condition is very complicated
She acts as if she doesn’t trust Ferit and doesn’t believe his love for her.
But despite all this, she is still confident that Ferit is doing everything to get her back.
Her conflicting feelings have become very big and she must explode
May it not be a traffic explosion that drags her further to the path of revenge.

My opinion regarding the previous questions
✴️ Ferit’s attitude towards himself

He will have an inferiority complex, contempt for himself, mistrust and a sense of failure

✴️ Ferit’s position on Seyran

He will get more angry with her and make sure that his view of her was correct (Bar Scene Episode 50).

Hypothetical question
📌If it is clarified that Ferit did not betray Seyran in episode 19 and that all that happened was a scheming from Pelin / sleeping drugs or a bout of diabetes /

✅What is Ferit’s attitude towards himself and what is his attitude towards Seyran?!

✅What is Seyran’s attitude towards herself and what is her attitude towards Ferit ?!.

I think

The most important situation is Ferit

Because he was with her for three years and didn’t know her

So he finds himself a very idiot unfortunately I destroyed him in the past

And she was the reason he was away from Seyran and everything that happened after the separation in the present

Seyran I expect her attitude is normal because Ferit himself was admitting that he was his son and he was with Pelin.

His position with Seyran

I expect he will be ashamed and unable to face her

I mean there is something inside him that he says there is no longer a soft between us

But he knows it’s not the only problem right now.

A feeling of remorse and helplessness towards her

Seyran situation as usual I expect you to ignore the topic in the first period but then you will soften with time

The new barrier Nevra.

The whole story here belongs to Ferit Seyran, the story for her was twofold.

1- Lying and deception and his lack of respect for her while he is going to walk with her hands with his arm and kiss her stomach and bring her the palace behind her

2_ That he has a child without her

As for the second, it’s over, but the first???!.

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