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The story of the princess and trust in God

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, First of all.

The story of the princess and trust in God, one should always hope that if today is terrible, tomorrow will be good. He will watch the video for a few minutes till the end, and if he likes it, he will be with his friends. The tribes were among the saints of Allah, and the king used to spend time and night in the worship of Allah and in the service of God, You must have worried about her marriage. There were big battles for the princess so that I could find a boy who would show up The king’s daughter’s fickleness often makes the parents old.

This worry is not only a concern of a family.

but it is also a concern of today and even today most of the people are very worried about this concern Where can I get that sound and pious boy who wanders around looking for him who worships more because he has arrived at a mosque outside the city bought from the world fair that a young man is engaged in worship and his existence is trembling I watched for a long time that when this young man finished his prayers and could talk to him, the young man who was waiting for his prayers finished The Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him was a slave.

Read more : Stories of kings or 5 proud daughters

The light was shining on his face but his tongue began to glorify Allah .

If you have a relationship with the daughter of the king of Man the young man smiled and said Don’t make fun of Baba Go and do your works O king why do I not have a daughter for the poor or all have died in the king’s court He took out his ring and when he saw it he said Promise me that you will meet me in the court of King Kerman tomorrow If you see this ring he will deliver it to me.

And he was astonished to see that the older man of the night, the king himself, was safe. I am not happy about anything, but I am happy I am not angry with any of your words, but I am happy Allah has given me a drama like yours. Be patient and be content with Allah’s pleasure. I hope Allah is with you and he will never be with them. The story of the princess and trust in God

The young man was pleased. Will happen, and his dream will be shattered.

Where did the princess go and welcome the young man? He said I will stay in your house now no matter where you are. It will not be too late for me to tell my father, the king. The young man took his wife to his house and opened the door He saw a piece of bread lying around his neck and took it out and said what is this There is no one to cook for me I have baked bread for fasting at dawn.

That person does not have faith in Allah at all and his mind began to say that your faith is fragile In this house there is either Your or I am staying Give alms in the way of Allah first then I will remember in your house this young man has given alms in the way of Allah and Allah has to give alms of his cores The problem of sustenance did not arise because their faith in Allah alone they knew Silent birds could feed people so noble creatures will it be of any use to us. Kayi Family


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