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The story of Kishore Bakhil Bhai’s garden

The story of Kishore Bakhil Bhai's garden

The story of Kishore Bakhil Bhai’s garden

The story of Kishore Bakhil Bhai’s garden. Watch this video till the end of May 29 in Surah Qalam Allah has mentioned this incident a few days after the ascension of Jesus (PBUH) to heaven. He had a very kind and generous man whose name was Take away all of them and take them all away. In this way, many of his complete programs were given to the poor The owner of the garden died, and his three sons became the owners of this holy place.

The story of Kishore Bakhil Bhai's garden

Naagi4 We will call the poor and the needy than the people of Ghazal.

It Will take a lot of people, and the right of the people of our family will be limited, so the three brothers swore and decided that the sun would rise. We would have destroyed the garden before it was too late for them to be aware of it, so the evil intentions of the people created this effect. They did not even know about it.

They left for Hazrat Ali

Quietly in the last part of the night, according to their plan and talked secretly on the way so that the poor and the needy would not get the news. When they reached the place, they were amazed to see the burning trees, so one of them said we had forgotten the way and gone to another place, but one of them had a better soul than the other brothers.

We are not the way They forgot, but Allah Almighty has deprived us of the halo. The rest is for our Lord.

We are indeed wrongdoers. We killed the rights of the poor and the needy Then the three brothers started blaming each other Hazrat Abdullah bin Mason (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

And when they repented sincerely, Allah accepted their repentance and gave them in exchange another garden, in which they spread out many and very large.

It used to be so big that one of its clusters would become the burden of a picture. There were lessons to be learned from this incident. We learn that the effect of generosity and good intentions is goodness in wealth and abundance of wealth and the fruit of miserliness and malice is destruction and ruin of wealth. May God help us learn from this incident and act on it, Amen.

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