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SAFİR Episode 8 With English Subtitles

SAFİR Episode 8 With English Subtitles

SAFİR Episode 8 With English Subtitles

 SAFİR Episode 8 With English Subtitles The new 8th episode trailer of Safir has been released. In the end episode; Yaman, who learns from Bade that there is another reason behind Ateş and Feraye’s marriage, goes after Feraye.…. So what happen in the episode on October 23th?

The eighth episode of the Safir series, which stars İlhan \en and Özge Yağız, has a trailer available. The Safir television series, which airs on ATV on Monday nights, has piqued fans’ interest in every aspect. When will Safir’s eighth episode air? Has the Safir episode eight trailer been released?


There are several intriguing elements regarding Safir, which stars İlhan \en and Özge Yağız. The Safir series’ eighth episode has a trailer available. When will there be a new Safir episode? Has the Safir episode eight trailer been released? On Monday, September 4, the ATV series Safir debuted to a receptive audience with its first episode.


The Safir series’ eighth episode has a trailer available. On Monday, October 23, İlhan \\en and Özge Yağız will appear in the eighth episode of the Safir series, which will air on ATV screens. Nevşehir, which distinguishes out for its distinctive architecture and natural beauty, is the location of the Safir series. The series draws attention with both its subject matter and its visual features, aiming to showcase the distinct beauty of Ürgüp and Cappadocia on screen.

SAFİR Episode 8 English Subtitles

The filming of Safir “A Hidden Love Story” has commenced, and İlhan \en, Özge Yağız, and Burak Berkay Akgül are sharing the key parts. The series, which boasts an amazing cast and captivating tale, will return to television in the upcoming season. It follows the Gülsoy family as they become lost on perilous paths filled with passion, retaliation, and harsh tests that transform their lives.


One of the most prominent families in Cappadocia, the Gülsoys, are the subject of a dramatic and romantic tale by Safir. When Ateş, the family’s eldest son, returns from America, he surprises everyone. Yaman, his younger brother, is getting ready to pop the question to Feraye, his childhood sweetheart. But that night, a calamity flips everyone’s life completely upside down. Here is the trailer and synopsis for Safir’s eighth episode.

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What takes place in the last episode?

After discovering from Bade that Ateş and Feraye’s marriage had a second meaning, Yaman pursues Feraye. Ateş, in the meantime, makes an effort to track down Feraye and confront her after learning that Feraye stole money from her mother. Who will be the first to arrive in Feraye? Did Yaman find out about the infant? What will Yaman learn from Feraye? But, when Okan and Cemile converse, Sarp—who is pursuing Okan—learns a significant secret. Bora may be able to recover with medical care overseas. Tension on the Bora front rises in response to these developments.

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