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Kardeşlerim Episode 78 with English subtitles

Kardeşlerim Episode 78 with English subtitles

The new Kardeşlerim Episode 78 with English subtitles (The Sibling) has been released! In the end episode; While there is serious resentment between Asiye and Ömer, Şengül and Ayla’s meeting at the school meeting brings a surprising rapprochement. What happens in the episode on February 4th?

The latest episode of the well-liked ATV television programme Kardeşlerim, which stars Celil Nalçakan, Fadik Sevin Atasoy, Yiit Koçak, Ahu Yatu, and Su Burcu Yazg Coşkun, was broadcast last night. While the past episode’s events kept viewers glued to the screen, they were equally interested in what would happen the following week. The 78th episode trailer of Kardeşlerim is out for those who are curious about what will happen in the new episode of the show.

Kardeşlerim Episode 78

Last night’s last episode of Kardeşlerim features Sarp’s injuries as the catalyst for significant developments involving Ahmet and Mer. Akif tries to sabotage Ayla’s voicemail. Doruk and Asiye run the risk of being taken into custody. Asiye remains incarcerated while Doruk is granted bail and released. Nebahat makes every effort to prevent Doruk from approaching Asiye.

Asiye observes Mer and Yasmin conversing and assumes they are speaking behind each other’s backs. Asiye is upset over this. For Yasmin to see, Asiye is holding Doruk’s hand in the centre of the school. Later, Doruk queries Asiye about whether or not Yasmin was the intended recipient of her actions. Mer discovers that Yasmin was responsible for Sevgi’s demise. Here is the Kardeşlerim 78th episode’s trailer and plot summary.

How did the last episode turn out?

While Asiye and Mer harbour deep animosity towards one another, an unexpected reconciliation results from Engül and Ayla’s encounter at the school gathering. Everyone is shocked by Süsen’s decision to hang out with Sarp, especially Mer. Orhan is scrambling to find a new job in order to support himself. Engül has high hopes for the work chance that comes her way, even as Tolga tries to support Zehra, who wants to be forced into marriage. Again, Asiye is enraged that Mer does not take her word for it.

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