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Kan Cicekleri Episode 72 with English Subtitles

Kan Cicekleri Episode 72 with English Subtitles

Kan Cicekleri Episode 72 with English Subtitles

Kan Cicekleri Episode 72 with English Subtitles Hello, Blood Flowers lovers… The full episodes in Blood Flowers are progressing rapidly. Knowing that Dilan will not go quietly, Baran took action! While Dilan continues to wait helplessly, Derya takes the stage again. Number of minutes for Baran and Dilan! You can also express your opinions with your comments .

Blood Flowers 72nd episode trailer has arrived. Blood Flowers will continue to be broadcast on Channel 7 screens with its new episode on Wednesday, April 5th. In the last episode of Blood Flowers, we emphasized that Baran’s feelings towards Dilan have changed. Step by step, Baran and Dilan get closer. What will happen in the 72nd episode of Blood Flowers ? 

The Blood Flowers series continues with its new episodes. Blood Flowers 7 2nd episode trailer has arrived! What happened in the last episode of Blood Flowers , what will happen in the new episode? The details in the summary of the 72 episodes of Blood Flowers are in our news…

In the television show News Kan Içekleri, the thrills never stop. Baran become familiar with Dilan. He is well aware that he won’t leave lightly. In addition, Baran was dubious because Kader was not informed of his departure and the fact that he left behind the things he treasured and his spirituality. When the Metin teacher revealed that Dilan had given him the ticket, Baran’s situation altered.

As the hours passed and Baran was unable to contact Dilan, he began to become anxious. When there was already a lot of hardship coming their way, he began to believe that he couldn’t defend Dilan. Baran has no idea where Dilan is right now, other than in his protective arms.

Kan Cicekleri Episode 72 English Subtitles

Cihan is one person who feels bad for Dilan. The ice that had been melting between Cihan and Dilan had halted after the previous occurrence, although it had not yet entirely melted. Now that Dilan was gone, Cihan began to worry. Cihan is making an effort to assist his brother with this. No matter what, according to Dilan, she will unquestionably find a way out.Derya is adamant on ending this tragedy. He ties Dilan’s hand to his face when he is unconscious. Derya must be a sociopath if she is obliviously adoring Baran in this way. To get to Baran, he will personally murder Dilan. In addition, Baran loves his nails more than Derya.

Baran located Dilan by following his instructions. However, the timing was terribly off. Derya set the home on fire while Baran was able to save Dilan. Right now, everything is disorganized. Derya’s reaction when she hears that she tossed Baran into the flames will be unavoidable, but Dilan and Baran will undoubtedly be saved in some way.

Baran and Dilan embrace as the house burns and prepare to meet their demise.

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