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Kan Çiçekleri Episode 150 with English Subtitles

Kan Çiçekleri Episode 150 with English Subtitles

Kan Çiçekleri Episode 150 with English Subtitles

Kan Çiçekleri Episode 150 with English Subtitles Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Blood Flowers episode 149th trailer has arrived. Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Blood Flowers will continue to be broadcast on Channel 7 screens with its new episode on Friday, September 22th. In the last episode of Blood Flowers (Vandetta), we emphasized that Baran’s feelings towards Dilan have changed. Step by step, Baran and Dilan get closer. What will happen in the 149th episode of Blood Flowers?

The Blood Flowers series continues with its new episodes. Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Blood Flowers episode 149h trailer has arrived! What happened in the last episode of Blood Flowers, what will happen in the new episode? The details in the summary of the 148th episode of Blood Flowers are in our news…

The thrilling journey keeps going in Blood Flowers. Dilan is unsure about his next move. Should he or shouldn’t he tell Baran the truth? The fear that Sabiha may hurt Baran intensifies when he speaks the truth. It’s only a matter of time until Sabiha carries out her threats for Dilan, who was chained up for three months when the Big Karabeys raided his home.

Kan Çiçekleri Episode 150 English Subtitles

Dilan senses the shadow of his adversaries around his neck when he makes the decision to tell Baran the truth. How can Dilan explain, for instance, what she sees when she spots the laser light on Baran’s forehead! When he sees the letter under the door and Sabiha doesn’t pick up the phone, how secure should he feel? Dilan has assumed significant responsibility. By being honest with Baran, he might start a new conflict. He believes that leaving would be beneficial for everyone’s health.

Who in the House Is the Enemy? Is Hasan Karabey a worse opponent than anyone? He keeps up his attacks. He carries on with his bad activities after managing, in some way, to silence Baran’s father. Fırat and Derya! It was like Gül and Fırat lost their affection! They had an unfounded argument with one another. Rather of focusing on her own life, Derya is constantly attempting to poke her nose in new locations!

It appears that this week will end with “I have to leave, I have to flee, what if Sabiha does something to Baran?” Friends, save the romantic moments between Dilan and Baran for another spring!

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