Esaret Episode 66 with English subtitles

Esaret Episode 66 with English subtitles

Esaret Episode 66 with English subtitles released on Monday, March 13. Watch Esaret 66th episode trailer and here is the summary on March 13rd. “Hira and Her Aunt Have Been Reunited ….!” Esaret 66th episode trailer has been released! What will happen in the 66th episode of Esaret? The slavery series continues with its new episodes. Esaret will air on Monday, March 13, with its 66th episode.

Here is what will be place in Esaret on Monday, March 13. You’re watching the 66th episode of Esaret, one of Kanal 7’s most popular and closely watched programmes. Hira met up with her aunt! What will occur next? Will Hira and Orhun bid their goodbyes? Eda, on the other hand, was successful in accessing Orhun’s computer.

Esaret Episode 66 English subtitles

In captivity, Orhun starts to worry that he’ll lose Hira. When it comes to telling Hira the truth and setting her free, Orhun is put in a challenging predicament. Will Orhun and Hira ever separate? Who the aunt is in reality is another issue. Although though Hira’s family is prospering, the burden of carrying on the legacy falls on her, thus she might not be happy about Hira’s homecoming.

It appears that Hira’s new life will be turbulent for some time. In the aftermath of this horrific tragedy, even Nurşah, the person closest to Hira, would turn against them. These are the Esaret 66th episode’s trailer and plot summary.

Cenk Torun play as Orhun Demirhanli

Born in 1974, Cenk Torun was born in Ankara. He took part in the clip of Yıldız Tilbe’s song “My Boyfriend”. He became famous for the first time in the series Crazy Bediş.

Esaret (Captivity) Episode 66 Trailer

A new daily series is coming from kanal 7! Esaret comes to the screen with its 66th episode on March 13. The story of Orhun, who wants to avenge his brother, and Hira, who is a prisoner of his conscience, aired every weekday at 07 P.M.

By woflex

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