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Bir Kucuk Gun Isigi Episode 14 English Subtitles

Bir Kucuk Gun Isigi Episode 14 English Subtitles

Bir Kucuk Gun Isigi Episode 14 English Subtitles

The updated English subtitles for Bir Kucuk Gun Isigi Episode 14 have been made available. At the very end of the episode, just as Elif was beginning to believe Firat’s word, Dila shows up and threatens to kidnap Güneş. What transpired in the December 5th episode? 👇👇Click here👇👇

What happen in the end episode?

Elif and Dila are now alone. The day of reckoning has come. Elif shares her secret weapon with Dila and is not afraid to use it against her. Frat assures Elif that he will be there by her side to put things right. While Elif is still of this opinion, Dila arrives and offers to take Güneş away from Elif. Elif is angry. Ümran and Frat are not in favour of Dila. Dila also tries to capture Güneş through unconventional means. employs social media to portray themselves as victims.

Synopsis of Bir Küçük Gün Işığı

Atv is preparing to appear in front of the audience with a new series project in the near future. A Little Daylight series, produced by NG Medya and produced by Nazlı Heptürk, will soon meet with the audience. Shortly before the broadcast of the series, ATV released the first trailer of the series. You can click here to watch the promotional video of the series.

The fact that many characters are people who hide their true identities is similar to the Maraşlı series. Surprising developments await the audience with the opening of some secrets after a death. The story of the series A Little Daylight hides secrets that will arouse the audience’s curiosity. Prepared by NGM Production for ATV screens, the series starts off with the slogan “You don’t know, maybe the greatest gift is the pain you think you can’t stand…”. Emre Kabakuşak sits in the director’s chair while Özgür Evren Heptürk writes the script of the series, which fits the beauties of both Italy and Istanbul into a single series.

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