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O Kiz Episode 16 English Subtitles

O Kiz Episode 16 English Subtitles

The new O Kiz Episode 16 English Subtitles have been released! In the end episode; Zeynep’s choice amazes everyone! What happens in the episode on January 4th? 

The advertisement for the brand-new O Kz 16th episode has been made public. After O Kz’s most recent episode, which aired on January 4th, viewers were eager to see what was coming next. What will happen in the upcoming O Kz episode, which will air on January 28th? In the most recent O Kz episode, what does Sitare tell Zeynep about Doruk?

Sitare tells Zeynep what she heard about Doruk when Zeynep inquires about what she has hidden. Zeynep manages to injure Doruk while kissing Ozan! Here is the O Kz 16th episode trailer and episode synopsis.

How did the last episode turn out?

Melek and Türkan are now face-to-face. In her own manner, Türkan will warn Melek to prevent the reopening of old wounds. Zeynep’s decision hurts Doruk because she thinks Melek and Doruk are connected in some way. On the other side, Melek is prepared to console Doruk, who is struggling with love. On the other hand, scores of police officers rush in shouting with their guns drawn as Kadir enters Yakup’s home, unaware that he is performing his largest conveyance in the Grand Bazaar. Kadir is taken aback by what transpired.

Melek and Doruk are approaching each other! Intoxicated and enraged, Doruk can’t get enough of Zeynep being with Ozan. The person who wants to profit from Doruk’s predicament and seize this chance is with him: Melek. Kadir, who had a rough time and was arrested, on the other hand, is distraught when he remembers the periods he spent in detention years ago.

Summary for O Kz Episode 16

In the 16th episode of the show, which has received a lot of positive feedback from viewers with each episode aired, Sitare declares her win! Doruk, who truly sees Zeynep and Ozan, is horrified by what he sees. He and Ozan don’t differ all that much. They are both confined to Zeynep and experience diametrically opposed emotions.

On the other side, Sitare, whose schemes never cease, approaches Ozan with two glasses in hand to celebrate her victory and meaningfully clinches his glass to Ozan’s glass. Once more, it succeeded in its goal. The police have put everyone on the ground while the operation is taking place, and they seize the drugs that spill out of the package that Kadir, who is oblivious of anything, delivered. Kadir is in disbelief. Kadir, who is trying to make sense of everything while experiencing exhilaration and panic, is in for a tremendous surprise.

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